
SQLite is a minimalistic implementation of a relational database that supports most of SQL, although not all of it. It is less powerful than, for example, PostgreSQL and MySQL, but it’s also super lightweight, and great for learning, experiments, and getting started quickly.

We are going to use the database SQLite in our examples, because it’s the least hassle to set it up. So you want to make sure you have it installed, many operating systems have it preinstalled.

Check if it’s installed by running this in your terminal:

$ sqlite3 --version

If that outputs a version string then SQLite is installed. If it’s not then you’ll see something like command not found: sqlite3. In that case Mislav has written up some nice instructions over here.

SQLite comes with a handy command line tool that one can use to create databases and interact with them. It also has an interactive shell: Just like with IRB (where we can execute Ruby code interactively) we can log into the SQLite database, and execute SQL statements interactively.

Let’s try it:

$ sqlite3 members

This should put you into the interactive SQLite shell, and look something like this:

SQLite version 3.8.5 2014-08-15 22:37:57
Enter ".help" for usage hints.

The prompt sqlite> waits for your input. If you type an SQL command and hit return it will execute it.

Let’s create our members table:

sqlite> CREATE TABLE members (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), joined_on DATE);

If this does not output an error, then the command was successful.

The command says that we’d like to create a table member with 3 columns id, name, and joined_on. The column id is supposed to be an integer column, and we’d like to use it as our primary key (meaning that it will be unique, and it will autoincrement the id for us). The column name is a string column, and values can be 255 characters long. And joined_at is a date column.

Cool. So we’ve just created a table in our database.

We can list our tables like so:

sqlite> .tables

And we can check the structure (schema) of our members table like so:

sqlite> .schema members
CREATE TABLE members (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), joined_on DATE);


Now let’s insert a row to the table:

sqlite> INSERT INTO members(name, joined_on) VALUES('Anja', '2013-06-24');

Again, if this does not output anything, that means our command was successful.

We can now retrieve the data using a SELECT statement like so:

sqlite> SELECT * FROM members;

So this displays on row.

Now should be a good time to do some exercises on SQL.