
Ruby’s package manager

A gem is a library that has been prepared in a way so it can be distributed (published and downloaded) via the internet. Such libraries are commonly refered to as “packages”, and there are many different package managers for different purposes. You can think of it as an app store that can be used to download specific versions of libraries, which you can then use.

A package manager is a tool that knows how to install these packages on your system so that they are then available for use. That means when you install a gem using Rubygems, you can then require and use it, just as if it was part of the standard library.

Gems are libraries, often quite small, sometimes quite big (such as Rails), that provide certain tools for solving certain problems, just like the libraries contained in the Ruby Standard Library. There are tons of gems [1] for tons of purposes, so you’ll often hear someone saying “Hah, there’s a Gem for that!” If you found the example of a library that helps to “sign in to a web application via Google” hilarious, there actually is a gem for that :)

So, how do you use this?

Ruby has a built-in command line tool gem, which also is installed alongside your Ruby installation, and it allows you to manage gems on your computer.

When you run gem list in your terminal you should see a list of all the gems that are installed on your computer (for the currently selected Ruby version if you use a Ruby version manager, such as RVM).

In order to install a certain gem you can run gem install [the-gem-name]. E.g. gem install middleman would install the Middleman library, which is a super handy tool for generating static web pages. This book is published using Middleman.

Where does gem fetch all these gems (packages) from though?

Ruby gems are centrally hosted on, and Middleman, for example, has an entry on this site, too. You can see the latest version number of this gem (which is 4.0.0.beta.2 as of this writing), who the authors are, useful links to their homepage, source code, documentation, and so on.

You can also see that the gem Middleman depends on a variety of other gems, such as coffee-script, compass, execjs, and haml. This means that the authors of Middleman themselves make use of code which in turn is packaged as gems, too. This is a very common thing to do. We say “Middleman’s dependencies are coffee-script, compass, …”

When you run gem install middleman you’ll see that this not only installs the Middleman gem, but also all of its dependencies, and all dependencies that any of those dependencies might have. This means, when you install one gem you’ll get all the other stuff that this gem needs, too.

Also, each of these dependencies comes with a specification of a version number or range of version numbers. For example ~> 2.2.0 means “allow any version of this gem that starts with 2.2”.

Once installed on your computer, you can use a gem in your code in just the same way as you use something from the Ruby Standard Library: You require it.

For example, in order to configure Middleman to generate this book we require a gem called middleman-toc here. This is an extension to Middleman that allows us to add a table of contents, and we need to require it before Middleman can use it.


[1] As of this writing, there are 6373 gems hosted on